Moving to Pre Alpha (Playable Now)

Kenchi Games Multiplayer Alpha v1.7  update

Minimal Viable Product


After Integration I took a deeper dive into how multiplayer works.

It wasn't long before I was able to expand on some ideas and develop some pretty cool features that would make this multiplayer scene more fun. It wasn't too different from coding a single player experience.

I noticed that Photon Engine provides you with sync scripts which let you update positions and values with ease.

Unlike other methods of making multiplayer, photon simply gives you more freedom to develop the game rather than figure out how to update servers and all that complicated stuff.

Since there's much more been implemented into the prototype, I have now managed to build the bones of a very promising online co-op/multiplayer experience.


- Falling off map will, strategically, seem like you fall back onto the map from above. This makes for high IQ gameplay to outsmart other players, by using your environment to your advantage. This also applies to crates

- Bullets/snowballs have been implemented to inflict damage onto opponents

- Crates are heavy and will do 40-80 damage when landing on a player. You can push or shoot crates off the ledge to land above the map for dirty kills

- Health bar has been implemented

Potential improvements

I am currently considering to make bullets have no drop and will act like a floating tracer for more precise shooting. My girlfriend wants to be able to go on a quest. I like this idea since Co-op is one of my favourite features and has been the core requirement for what i consider to be a good game.

Let me know what I should add below.

- Art style?

- Weapons?

- Power Ups?

- Enemies?

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